Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Shoe on the Other Foot

Devastating result to a hit that started out innocuously. The million dollar question is what should the league do to Chara? There are about a million views on the issue.

I think a nominal suspension is all that is called for. The main reason is that there is no evidence of intent by Chara. By that I mean it started out as a routine rub-out in the neutral zone, not a physical play at all. Yes, the play was illegal as interference, and yes Chara needs to be aware of his surroundings, but there just isn't much evidence there that he finished the check with much vigor. Perhaps he can be blamed for not lightening up more given the dangerous spot on the ice, but I don't think there is enough blameworthiness there to warrant a long suspension.

It would be one thing if Chara came barreling in or with elbows up in an "intentionally" violent collision, or preyed upon a vulnerable player. As it was, it was a routine non-violent play (such neutral zone obstruction is typically among the least dangerous plays in the game) that became a freak accident at the last second.

What is the league supposed to do? Ban hits at the benches? Should we have expected Chara to recognize the danger and just let him go?

Perhaps Chara could've finished more gently, but given the way the play unfolded, he can only shoulder so much blame.

I also found it ironic to see Bergeron coming to his defense.
Boston's Patrice Bergeron, who has suffered two documented concussions in his NHL career, called it a "flukey play." "He [Chara] just tried to buy himself some time and kind of push him out of the way and his head got caught," said Bergeron, who missed the majority of the 2007-08 season due to a concussion.
Bergeron of course was on the receiving end of a Randy Jones board, that similarly was a routine hockey-play that went very wrong at the last second where the checker probably should've let up a bit. Of course Boston fans portrayed Randy Jones, a guy who's not physical at all, as the devil incarnate, and Bergeron refused to accept Randy Jones's apology for the hit. Things look a little different now guys, huh?

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